January 21, 2024 - At the church family meeting, Teresa Carroll and Kasey Hoffman were announced as the newest members of the search team. They will meet with interim pastor, Alex Gonzales, along with the other pastor search teams for pastor search training on January 22, 2024.
November 14, 2023 - The church council started consideration of CBC members who have expressed interest in joining the pastor search team.
August - September 2023 - The search team met with the next candidate who had unanimous support from the search team. After both a video and in person interview, as well as favorable references, the candidate withdrew his name from consideration. The pastor search team has been placed on a temporary pause while we pray and regroup before continuing to seek the Lord's man for the senior pastor position.
May - July, 2023 - The search team had been in contact with one of our top candidates. We had numerous conversations, question, and answer sessions, and even on-site interviews and meetings with key stakeholders. After much prayer and deliberation, it was mutually determined that neither CBC Pastor Search Committee nor the candidate was certain that the Holy Spirit was calling him to Calvary.
June 25, 2023 - At our family meeting, we announced our new team members (Sandra Greaney, Keanan Foley, and Jason Hoffman as alternate), this landing page and other efforts for increased transparency, and information regarding our current candidate and future opportunities to meet him. As promised, here is a link to the video recording of the meeting, the slides from the meeting, notes taken during the meeting, the raw data from our church survey last year, and the key take aways from that survey.
May 15, 2023 - The reestablished search team met for the first time. It was decided that while the whole team reassessed the resumes (including new ones since January) to come up with a new top 5, we would reach out to the next candidate from the original top 5 list. The new members reviewed the candidate and gave their approval. Initial phone call placed with the next candidate on the list.
Late April 2023 - Two search team members decided to step down, and two new members from Smithville campus were invited to fill the vacancy, plus a third person to fill the alternate vacancy.
April 2, 2023 - The candidate was brought to a vote. The vote was 63% in favor, which did not meet the required 75% threshold to extend an offer to the candidate. The pastor search team paused the search to regroup and reassess.
March 28, 2023 - The candidate's questionnaire was sent to the church via OnRealm newsletter.
March 26, 2023 - The candidate preached at both Bastrop and Smithville campuses, in accordance with church bylaws. There was a meet and greet with said candidate later that same night.
March 21, 2023 - Candidate biography sent to the church.
March 9, 2023 - The search team announced they had extended an invitation to a local candidate and decided not to announce his name to protect him and his church.
Early February 2023 - The search team met with the fourth candidate twice already and announced moving forward with further meetings.
Mid-January 2023 - Contact made with the fourth candidate (First on the new Top 5 list). All previous candidates had withdrawn their candidacy due to timing or feeling insufficiently fit for CBC
Early January 2023 – The search team reviews resumes that came in since October re-ranks the list to form a new top 5.
Early December 2022 - One team member resigned to move out of town, and the alternate filled their place. The search team and the first candidate mutually end interviews, and the search team moved on to another candidate.
Early November 2022 - Contact made with the first candidate considered by the search team.
Late October 2022 - Job opening for senior pastor posted on SBC and SBTC job boards. Survey results were released to the church.
Mid-September 2022 - Survey submitted to the church family to determine what the search team should look for in a candidate.
Early June 2022 - Pastor search team established by the Church Council with seven founding members and an alternate and announced via the church newsletter.
Early May 2022 - Family meeting to discuss the pastor search process and to encourage church members to contact Church Council if they are willing to serve on the pastor search team.
Early April 2022 - Stephen Heleman announced his resignation as senior pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, effective at the end of May 2022.