4G Guides: This library contains our in-house 4G Guides. Each series contains weekly resources for personal, group, and family discipleship.
RightNow Media: This library of Biblical video resources contains CBC-recommended studies from our partners at RightNow Media.
CBC Discipleship: This library contains our home-grown disciple-making library of group curriculum and training courses.
Wanting to know how to form and facilitate a group?
Download the Introduction To Small Groups Booklet and visit the Groups Page for more How-To-Group Info.
Welcome to the 4G Guide Library.
Each guide contains an intro, five God Times, a Group lesson, and a lesson just for Families for each session of the series (the number of sessions is shown in (X)).
At the end of each description is a link to download a PDF of the series or request the CBC Office to make booklets for your group.
Check back periodically as we add more Guides to the library.
Welcome to this series. God has created us for relationships, and as the psalmist reminds us, how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters in Christ dwell in UNITY. This series will remind us that Calvary is a CommUNITY that demonstrates, declares, and disciples those around us who are living without Jesus. When they come to know Jesus, not only will they spend eternity with Jesus, but they will also be part of the family – the CommUNITY.
This isn’t just a Sunday thing, but rather each of us must be intentional about it daily. And as we are in this together, each of us is essential if we are to truly be a life-giving CommUNITY. I trust that this series will challenge us all to learn how to better dwell in unity, in Christ.
It is not that different from the way many of us feel. This is a truly unique time and feels like a foreign land. We have new words like social distancing and COVID-19. Our culture is changing as schools and restaurants close. We even have new customs, just try and shake a stranger's hand.
It is a new reality that has many asking, "what am I supposed to do?" Considering everything happening in our world, we decided to change direction on Sunday and look at the life of Daniel. Through his life, we can learn what to do when we find ourselves in a strange land.
The story of Elisha challenges us to answer God’s calling and take the risks that are necessary to do His will.
This series will encourage us to step out and walk in our vision of demonstrating the love of God, declaring the Good News, and making disciples. Come see what life can look like when we decide to have a persevering faith.
On the other hand, God’s truth never changes, it remains true through all time. God’s truth provides a strong and stable foundation upon which to build our lives. Join us for this “Fake News” series as we explore the lies the world tells us, and how they differ from God’s Truth.
With pandemics, protests, attempts to rewrite history, and seemingly irreparable political divisions, do you wonder if the world is falling apart? What about your personal life? Have you ever felt broken? Broken physically, financially, and/or spiritually? Well, if you answered, “yes,” to any of these, would it comfort you to know that you are not the first person to feel this way?
There is a little book in the Bible by a relatively unknown prophet named Habakkuk. In Habakkuk’s day, Judah was under siege and facing total defeat. While most prophets merely recorded what God told them, Habakkuk asked God why He was allowing this to happen. Then, God answered him. It’s a conversation we might have with God today when the world seems to be falling apart and many of us are feeling physically and spiritually broken.
Haggai was a minor prophet. That means he is one of a group of prophets whose messages were shorter than others and their works were eventually collected on a single scroll (Isaiah got his own scroll). When Haggai was written, the Israelites had returned from exile to Jerusalem, a city that had been laid to waste. Their homes, shops, places of education, and most importantly, the Temple, were gone. As they rebuild the city and their homes, God calls Haggai to address their misplaced sense of priorities. It’s a message we all need to hear.
Whether or not we feel things are going our way, we need to keep focused on what is truly important. And, if we place our priorities – what we are building – in the right order, God will provide for all our needs.
700 years before Jesus, God tells the prophet Isaiah about the coming Messiah. He even gives a list of descriptive names in Isaiah 9:6.
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
As we approach Christmas, the celebration of the birth of Jesus, the Messiah, let’s look closer at these four names – names that have meaning and tell us who Jesus is.
It is significant that the only time God tells us to test him is found in Malachi 3:10-11. Here, God promises not only to provide for us, he promises to bless us if we give. Join us for the next three weeks as we look at what God says about money and discover the Joy of Giving.
In our "One Another" series we will discover how we can work together as a family for God's mission. The book of Acts shows how the first Christians came together to hear God's Word, serve God, and serve one another. When they did, people saw God working and gave their lives to Jesus. Together, we can live a life where others can see Jesus and the life that He offers.
To do this, we must not allow these feelings to define or control us. Instead, we need to focus on who Jesus is, what He has done for us, and how He has labeled us. Let’s throw off the old, welcome the new, and help others struggling with the same feelings.
But Jesus would often conclude His parables with a certain saying, “He who has ears, let him hear!” Jesus was saying that it’s not enough for His words to enter your ears, or even your heart, it’s what you do with them that counts.
Stop comparing or pretending. Join us as we spend the next four weeks seeking God’s best for our marriages and families. Let’s allow God to do something miraculous as we find ways to deepen our relationships – with Him and with one another.
This four-week series walks us through four meaningful vows that will help us build stronger marriages and godly relationships: the vows of priority, pursuit, partnership, and purity. It’s also a great opportunity to gather weekly with two to three other couples (and those singles seeking a future spouse) in a small group using the Group Time studies to further explore these vows.
Welcome to the CBC RightNow Media Library.
CBC members are able to take advantage of our partnership with RightNow Media.
This library contains Biblical video resources recommended by CBC staff and ministry leaders.
Members are able to receive a login and password upon request.
At the end of each series description is a link to the series.
(Note: Series guides and study books may be available for purchase.)
God has created men to have incredible strength. But today’s culture has hijacked masculinity, distorting strength into passivity and abuse.
In this 5-part video Bible study series, pastor Joby Martin invites men to embrace God’s definition of masculinity and to step into His calling upon their lives to wield their strength on behalf of others. God has designed men to be protectors, providers, and defenders. When men act like men, everyone flourishes.
This is a 14-set series of short video overviews of the books of the Old Testament.
Ernesto Duke and his family live in Los Angeles, CA where he serves as one of the leaders at Living Stones / Piedras Vivas Church; a multi-lingual, multi-class, multi-ethnic Church in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Lanark Park. Ernesto enjoys surfing, coaching rec sports, cooking and trying every kind of taco possible! Ernesto is passionate about the Latino immigrant Church in Los Angeles and bringing Biblical literacy to Jesus' Church around the world.
Ernesto serves as the Director of Partnership Development as well as an adjunct professor of Old Testament at Eternity Bible College. Ernesto has also taught for Seminario Del Oeste based in Ensenada, BCN, MX.
The kingdom of God started long ago, and it continues today, and it will continue tomorrow and on into the future. Though we can’t see it in full, we are caught up in the story. Today, we live as both citizens and strangers, hoping and praying for the kingdom to come. We live in the “already but not yet,” prisoners of hope in this shadow kingdom, all while knowing it is not our true home. Something better is coming. God’s perfect kingdom is coming.
All spiritual gifts come to us by the Holy Spirit, and all are given for the same reason: to serve the body of Christ in love. These gifts are at work today, but so many of us have either never heard of the gifts or seen them twisted for a glory other than God’s. But God has gifted, called and empowered each of us with gifts for the building up of His Church. In this series, we’ll explore the gifts together and help one another discover what our gifts are.
Star Trek fans read every book and see every movie. Harry Potter fans pour over every world. Marvel Cinematic Universe fans know every element of their interconnected universe.
But why do Christians not know the entirety of our sacred text? Want to battle Biblical illiteracy with your students? Or yourself? Want to eradicate it? The first step in knowing the whole Bible is knowing what each book is and how it connects to the overall story. From the perspective of a storyteller, these videos will teach you what each book of the Bible is, what happens in it and how that connects to the overall stories of God’s promises, covenants, and plan of redemption. A typical small group ministry meets around 36 times during a school year. What if over the next two years you lead your people thru the entire sacred codex?
The Gospels are part 6 of 10 of the Bible Walkthrough with Pastor Landon.
What thoughts come to mind when you think of God? Do you wonder what he's like, what he thinks about you, or what he wants for you? The good news is that we don't have to go far to find answers. God tells us all we need to know about who he is and what he’s like—about his heart—and why that matters for our lives. In this six-session series, author Francis Chan takes students on a journey of discovery to the heart of God. Students will walk away knowing God better and loving him more.
Faith From A Distance
Do you ever feel like you are a follower of Jesus, but from a distance? "Follow a Rabbi, drink in his words, and be covered with the dust of his feet," says the ancient Jewish proverb. In Jesus' day, disciples followed their Rabbi so closely that they would be covered with the dust kicked up by the Rabbi's feet. Come, discover how you can get dusty and be closer to your Rabbi, Jesus, by doing what he does.
Five interactive sessions take you on a journey to the land and culture in which the disciples learned to follow Jesus.
True faith produces fruit. A faith without action and without life change is ultimately a dead faith. The book of James speaks to the realities of a living faith in Jesus—the kind of roll-up-your-sleeves and get-your-hands-dirty discipleship that is borne out of an authentic relationship with the risen Lord. James writes to believers who know suffering, who've faced trials, and who ultimately desire a deep relationship with God.
Francis Chan unpacks the dense truth contained in the book of James in front of the iconic backdrop of San Francisco, the city where he lives and ministers. Through 12 sessions, Francis works through James verse-by-verse, challenging followers of Christ to move beyond a private, intellectual knowledge of God and His Word, to a vibrant faith that impacts every square inch of life.
Are you living by faith?
Each of us must daily choose between giving in to the world’s pressure to trust in ourselves or yielding control of our lives to God. While following God’s directions when we don’t see immediate results can be difficult, the payoff will always be tremendous.
In this six-session series, join Dr. Tony Evans as he looks at the people in the Bible’s Hall of Faith: Old Testament heroes, such as Abraham, Noah, and Moses, who let God lead their lives. Learn how their journeys can help you understand what it means to walk in faith.
Star Trek fans read every book and see every movie. Harry Potter fans pour over every world. Marvel Cinematic Universe fans know every element of their interconnected universe.
But why do Christians not know the entirety of our sacred text? Want to battle Biblical illiteracy with your students? Or yourself? Want to eradicate it? The first step in knowing the whole Bible is knowing what each book is and how it connects to the overall story. From the perspective of a storyteller, these videos will teach you what each book of the Bible is, what happens in it and how that connects to the overall stories of God’s promises, covenants and plan of redemption. A typical small group ministry meets around 36 times during a school year. What if over the next two years you lead your people thru the entire sacred codex?
The Major Prophets are part 5 of 10 of the Bible Walkthrough with Pastor Landon.
Star Trek fans read every book and see every movie. Harry Potter fans pour over every world. Marvel Cinematic Universe fans know every element of their interconnected universe.
But why do Christians not know the entirety of our sacred text? Want to battle Biblical illiteracy with your students? Or yourself? Want to eradicate it? The first step in knowing the whole Bible is knowing what each book is and how it connects to the overall story. From the perspective of a storyteller, these videos will teach you what each book of the Bible is, what happens in it and how that connects to the overall stories of God’s promises, covenants, and plan of redemption. A typical small group ministry meets around 36 times during a school year. What if over the next two years you lead your people thru the entire sacred codex?
The Minor Prophets are part 4 of 10 of the Bible Walkthrough with Pastor Landon.
Avg Session - 1 Min
In this series of short highlight videos from The Gospel Coalition, discover helpful answers, resources, and more for engaging with skeptics or your own questions about the Christian faith.
These video series take the viewer on a deep dive into each book of the Bible.
Hosted by Dr. Kyle Lance Martin, the founder of Time to Revive, a ministry based in Dallas, Texas, whose mission is to equip the saints for the return of Christ. His heart’s desire, aside from loving his wife and four kids, is to engage people with the Word of God directly in their own environment. Kyle believes when people turn to the Messiah in humility and have a willingness to walk in the Holy Spirit, they can know and experience the calling of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. Kyle received his Master of Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and his Doctor of Ministry in outreach and discipleship from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
In Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, author Nabeel Qureshi takes viewers deep into apologetics and evangelism among Muslims through powerful storytelling and personal experience. In eight sessions of about 30 minutes each he explores Muslim culture, the most common Muslim objections to Christianity, and the core doctrines upon which Islam stands or falls. Compassionate and clear, Nabeel’s lectures will be a useful training tool for pastors, outreach leaders, and any believers wanting to winsomely engage Muslims in spiritual conversations. Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus Video Study develops in further detail the objections to Islam and case for Christianity that Qureshi introduced in Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. When used with the accompanying Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus Study Guide, this lecture course is perfect for adult classes, small groups, segments in college or seminary courses, and motivated independent learners alike.
The Bible is the most revered, respected and celebrated books of all time. Since the first published book (a Bible, of course!) rolled off the Gutenberg press over five hundred years ago, it has been a perpetual bestseller, far surpassing sales of any other volume in human history.
For Christians, however, the Bible is not just a bestseller; it is “God’s Word” – a divine message to us in human language.
Some parts of the Bible are easy to understand yet many are not. With its lengthy genealogies, Levitical laws, and apocalyptic visions, even for sincere readers reading with understanding can be a monumental task. Obviously, to navigate these challenging and potentially treacherous waters, you need a trustworthy and experienced guide -- someone who knows both the world of the text and the ways of God in human history.
That is why Bruce Wilkinson’s newest course Survey of the Bible was created – to help people understand the big picture of God’s Word.
The Holiness of God is Ligonier Ministries’ most popular and enduring series. Literally thousands of people have testified to a transforming encounter with God through this series.
This series examines the meaning of holiness and why people are both fascinated and terrified by a holy God. This series closely explores God’s character, leading to new insights on sin, justice, and grace. The result is a new awareness of our dependence upon God’s mercy and a discovery of the awesomeness of His majestic holiness. Dr. R.C. Sproul says, “The holiness of God affects every aspect of our lives — economics, politics, athletics, romance — everything with which we are involved.”
There is a deep sense of unease in our rapidly changing world. Our distorted view of God is at the root of all our problems. Join Chip Ingram in this multi-faceted study of seven attributes of God.
First, help your child discover The Real God with eight different family devotional stories. Help them to see what God has to say about who He truly is through His word. Because to know the real God—changes everything.
Second, listen as Chip unpacks the biblical teaching on key attributes of the God we serve in life-changing short sermons.
Finally, check out the bumper videos designed to promo this material to your whole church. You'll find downloads of all this content below.
The Real God is an eight-week, church-wide discipleship campaign that’s designed to equip every member of your church—from children to adults—with an accurate, Biblical view of who God really is. Over the course of the campaign, your church will explore seven core attributes of God’s character. In the process, you’ll take a deeper look at some common misperceptions about God as well as examining the truth about who He reveals Himself to be in Scripture.
Conversations on Faith and Life.
This six-session small group Bible study captures live and unscripted conversations between Tim Keller and a group of people to address their doubts and objections to Christianity. Using literature, philosophy, and Scripture, Keller and the group explore the truth of Christianity.
In his New York Times bestselling book The Reason for God, Timothy Keller established himself as a modern-day C. S. Lewis who brings together faith and intellect, theology and popular culture, modern-day objections and historic Christian beliefs.
Now fans of the New York Times bestseller can find resources to help them engage with those same objections, drawing on recent scholarship and debates. The Reason for God small group Bible study can be used individually, with groups, or by any believer who is engaging with friends who don’t share his or her beliefs.
Christians will be challenged to wrestle with their friends and neighbors’ hardest questions, and to engage those questions in ways that will spark an honest, enriching, and humbling dialogue. Capture a live and unscripted conversation between Timothy Keller and the six panelists discussing their objections to Christianity. This study will help small groups and individuals dig deeper into the objections of the Christian faith and to learn about both sides of the issues.
Sessions include:
• 1. Isn’t the Bible a Myth?
• 2. How Can You Say There Is Only One Way to God?
• 3. What Gives You the Right to Tell Me How to Live My Life?
• 4. Why Does God Allow Suffering?
• 5. Why Is the Church Responsible for So Much Injustice?
• 6. How Can God Be Full of Love and Wrath at the Same Time?
Designed for use with The Reason for God Study Guide.
In a trembling, unsteady world, learn to gain stability, find peace, and trust in God.
This 12-session video Bible study will help you, your group, and your church stand on the definitive declarations of our mighty and loving God who governs the world according to his great and precious promises.
This world has a tremble to it. There are things that seem unsteady in this life. But when we belong to God, it allows us to filter our problems through the promises of God. We choose to be people of the promise, we choose to build our lives on the promises of God, not the circumstances of life.
The stories of the men and women in Scripture were different, but the theme was the same: they were People of the Promise. Because of God's promises, Noah built an ark on dry land, Joshua claimed the Promised Land, David became king, Peter preached the first sermon, and John caught a glimpse of the future. Like them, we can also build our lives on God's promises, and trust him to keep them.
Sessions include:
1. You Are Stamped with God's Image
2. God Will Win the Victory
3. You Are an Heir of God
4. Your Prayers Have Power
5. God Gives Grace to the Humble
6. God Gets You
7. Jesus Is Praying for You
8. Death Has Been Defeated
9. Joy Is Coming Soon
10. You Will Have Power
11. There Is No Condemnation in Christ
12. Justice Will Prevail
Designed for use with the Unshakable Hope Study Guide.
Welcome to the CBC Discipleship Library.
Here we will be adding our home-grown Group curriculum and training booklets. It is best to first go through these booklets with a trained leader and then utilize them to train others yourself. Printed booklets are available upon request or download the PDF. Check back periodically as we add more to the library.
Disciples Making Disciples. That's the plan.
Jesus commanded us to do so. As a church, we want to equip and send disciple makers into our community, our nation, and the world.
Our CBC 3D Mission Statement:
We point people to Jesus by DEMONSTRATING God’s love, DECLARING the good news, and making DISCIPLES near and far.
The first two Ds necessitate the third D and vice versa. To facilitate this mission, we will apply what we call the 3-Ps: Posture, Process, and Path.
This first, two-booklet 16-week series of 1st Century Disciples Today is about developing the posture necessary to begin making disciples.
Disciples Making Disciples. That's the plan.
Jesus commanded us to do so. As a church, we want to equip and send disciple makers into our community, our nation, and the world.
Our CBC 3D Mission Statement:
We point people to Jesus by DEMONSTRATING God’s love, DECLARING the good news, and making DISCIPLES near and far.
The first two Ds necessitate the third D and vice versa. To facilitate this mission, we will apply what we call the 3-Ps: Posture, Process, and Path.
This first, two-booklet 16-week series of 1st Century Disciples Today is about developing the posture necessary to begin making disciples.
Think about a big change you’ve made in your life. Maybe it was a healthy lifestyle change, you made some adjustments to your diet and started moving more, and those small changes made a big difference. But what really made the difference was a word we don’t like much today. That word is discipline.
Small changes made in a disciplined fashion, with consistency and regularity, can lead to big things.
Disciples lead disciplined lives with consistency and regularity focused on the things of God.
So, how does one implement the things of God in such a way? What does one choose to focus on? The Bible presents a lot of do’s and don’ts. Do they all need to be mastered before we can be a disciple?
Topics include:
1. The Scriptures
2A. God the Father
2B. God the Son
2C. God the Holy Spirit
3. Man
4. Salvation
5. God’s Purpose of Grace
6. The Church
7. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
8. The Lord’s Day
9. The Kingdom
10. Last Things
11. Evangelism and Missions
12. Education
13. Stewardship
14. Cooperation
15. The Christian and the Social Order
16. Peace and War
17. Religious Liberty
18. The Family
Download the full 18 Topics booklet or request a booklet on a specific topic that includes all the Bible verses to study (good for writing on).
Includes two proven gospel sharing tools.
Includes teacher tips and two gospel sharing tools.
If the Apostles had a website, the Apostles' Creed would be posted for their statement of faith. This creed contains the basics of what it means to be a Christian. We can study it to learn why we believe what we do.