The first week of each month, we will set aside time to serve our neighbors and communities. First Week Serve is designed to support the vision of CBC by demonstrating God’s love in practical ways by giving of ourselves in service to others.
Note: First Week Serve is not just for the first week! You can undoubtedly serve on another day, or several days, during the month.
First Week Serve projects focus on interaction and the opportunity to demonstrate God's love in a practical way.
First Week Serve example projects are listed in the Service Projects section below.
Have your own service project to share? Email us at: office@cbcfamily.net.
See our Training Tools section below to help you get the most out of your service.
The second week of each month we will fast from one meal. Instead of eating, we will read the word of God and pray for those who are living without Jesus. This supports the vision of CBC by spending time with God to grow as disciples and disciple-makers. Check out the Fasting & Prayer section below for hints and helps.
Week three of each month is dedicated to inviting those who are living without Jesus. We will find one person and invite them to one of our CBC campuses. Find One supports the CBC vision by declaring the good news as we invite them to gather with us. You will find several training tools to assist you in the Training Tools section below.
The fourth week of each month is all about celebrating how God is moving in our CBC Family through our serving, fasting, and inviting. As we gather on Sunday mornings and in our groups, we want to highlight all that God is doing and give Him praise!
If you have a story to celebrate, email us at: office@cbcfamily.net.
The CBC Monthly Challenge

Week 2 Fasting & PRAYER

2nd Saturday
Fasting & Prayer
Connect with three neighbors and ask them for specific prayer requests. Get started by using the resources available at Bless Every Home.
Download this article on Fasting and Praying For those living without Jesus.
Three helpful articles from Harvest Prayer Ministries:

Know Your StrenGths
All of us were created by God to make a difference in the world around us and your life will never make sense until you find, develop, and fulfill your purpose. God has a place for you where your unique abilities and passions can impact the lives of others. Every member is a minister, every person is gifted in some area, and every task is important, we all are integral pieces of God’s puzzle to bring glory to the Body of Christ. Discover what you do well and take steps to use your gifts to make a difference at Calvary and in the world around us.
Personality Assessment:
Knowing our personality traits aids each of us in working well with others in ministry. Download this five-step Personality Assessment, it should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
(For a printed copy, grab a
"Remarkably and Wondrously Made" booklet at your campus foyer)
Spiritual Gifts Assessment:
Knowing our spiritual gifts helps to focus our talents and experiences .
Download this five-step Gifts Assessment, it should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
(For a printed copy, grab a
"Remarkably and Wondrously Made" booklet at your campus foyer)

Training TOOLS
Gospel Coversations
Vision and Mission are of little value without the tools needed to engage in the building of God's kingdom.

Partner Opportunities
Here you will find short-term, long-term, and career opportunities in service, ministry, and missions with organizations that CBC intentionally partners with by providing financial and/or volunteer support.
LOCAL Partner Service Opps
These are ministries in or around Bastrop County.
EoE Partner Opportunities
These are ministries outside of Bastrop County.